Uol 6 1975! Collaborative Centre for Reference and Research on Escherichia (WHO) I&FO/at October 2, 1975 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Palo Alto 94304 U.S.A. -Dea¥ Josh, From a very recent meeting (last week) in Newcastle with Ann and Gan we know that all is well with your family and that I you daughter is thriving. certainly was nice to revive _ old memories and we are alrea 'y looking very much forward to our time in US in 1977 on the Fogarthy Scholarship. But, as you have probably already realized, we do not write only to talk about the old, days. We have to-day been asked to take part in’ a small meeting arranged by the Danish - Science Research Couneil on ‘genetical engineering (Oct. 10) and. related problems. and Wey fel that our somewhat rusty brains might be stimulated by your: article in PRISM which Mr. Garfield wrote about so enthusiastically recently. Has it appeared, or a a s do you happen to have a preprint? Kindest regards to you ‘and your family, _, Yours sincerely, _,2da and Frits Orskov