The . J 4974 | 40190 v DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20014 May 15, 1974 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Chairman, Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: A few weeks ago Dr. Katherine Wilson contacted you concerning your assessment of Drs. Frits and Ida Orskov. At the present time, we have both their names under consideration as possible Fogarty Scholars, and Dr. Wilson has kindly offered to assist me in obtaining as much infor- mation as possible about them. She has informed me that you are reasonable well acquainted with both of them and would be willing to endorse them as candidates for our Scholars-in-Residence Program. In discussing nominations with our Advisory Committee, I do like to obtain outside comments from persons acquainted with the nominees. Will you be kind enough to give me the benefit of your assessment of both Drs. Ida and Frits Orskov. We are particularly interested in knowing how they are regarded by their peers; what, if any, significant contributions they have made to the field of biomedical research; how well they interact with their fellow men; and if the nominee were to come as a Fogarty Scholar, how he or she might make a contribution to the advancement of the health science area. Any supportive information you are able to transmit will be very much appreciated. It goes without © saying, of course, that any comments you do care to make will be treated confidentially. On the chance you are not too well acquainted with the Scholars-in- Residence Program, I enclose a booklet describing this activity and, in addition, a listing of all who have participated in this program as well as those to whom firm commitments have been made for the future. No doubt you are acquainted with a large number of individuals who have been involved and if you consider both Ida and Frits Orskov appropriate for participation in this program, I shall certainly appreciate hearing from you. erely Cc JanesE. Chief Scholars and Fellowships Program Branch Fogarty International Center Enclosure