SAS STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Area Code 415 Professor Joshua Lederberg 321-1200 August ?!, 3.069 Dear Frits and Ida: Will you be free: on Sept. 13/14? I must be in Stockholm for am a conference starting Mon. morning the 15th, and I was thinking of teking ihe polar flight via Seattle direct to Copenhagen which arrives Sotirday after- noon (details confirmed below), then spend the next day in a pleasant combination of recovering from the journcy (and the time shift) and briefly visiting my old friends, bcfore going y on to Stockholm Sunday evening. If this xs comes at an inconvenient time for you, I will noe bably gues ge stseagit onto Stookheim Seturdey nichte Tt openhegen;—but—could-I es’ you to book 5» @ eck:hoim— either leave a day later, or stop over elsewhe’ , I am not sure yet where. Would you then book a room fo ise in Copen- hagen, (possibly best af convenient to the airli:~: terminal in town) if you can give me the good ndws. thet ‘* ould be feasible to see you Saturday night fme or Sunc:;. Please do not think it necessary to meet my ,3+he plane; but do send me your telephone. number(s) so that I cen call you from the: hotel(that you name 9 + cae Le ps 5K 93¢ aries CPI he. Ws [osvh. ol reservetien hioh TF will of course-guore we) either-in ae