Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG tare@eun > AUG 22 72 Your reprints Twas quite thrilled zto see these. Just a few days ago I had asked around the Lab if anyone had seen anything on just the subject of the Sanes-Ckun paper. Have you thought of looking further into DNA repair capacity, as a function of the age of the animal; it is a reasonablek bet that you will find an age=defend ent effect, and there is then some very interes- ting comparative biochemistry to look into (mice vs. elephants). It might even be pos- sible to do experiments in situ -- eg with something like mustard by carotid infusion as the inciting stimulus. I see you do hint at this iesue in your closing santence. I hope you do publish your DNA work; I can fully understand the distractions; it still should be a cost-effective optionk for the use of your time once you have a lab going. We look forward to seeing you, PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305