April 29, 1971 Dr. Larry Okun Rarvard Medical School Department of Biologicel Chemistry Boston, Messachusetts 02115 Dear Larry, Thank you for your letter of April 15th. We had a troublesome hassle, including as partiel strike of black workers at the hospital that took all of my time during the last two weeks; but I think we may have gost juet a lull but an opening to some more peaceful times now, I am glad to know that you will be settling down and I was also particularly interested to read your scientific report. I wish I could comment gore intelligently about it but I think you would be way ahead of me on any comments I could make at this point. I hope we will really be seeing more of one another and we can go into these and many other things at more congenial close distance. Your letter to Harbury at Santa Barbara was excellent. I thought I had put in more than my share of comment about funding for health research in general and cautions about a separate cancer agency in particular. I am pretty optimistic that some reasonably satisfactory compromises are going to be worked out. It really is notso awful if Spiegelman does get $2 million if the overall effort is large enough that some real talent (like yours) has a chance to be expressed. Besides, as things work out in the real world the dollars that are labeled "Spiegelman" will themselves filter to a considerable degree to other people in an organization that know how to make good use of it, I can.understand your concefns about being isolated; however, the fact thet Utah has two Senators will still be quite meaningful in terms of iƩliciting support from Washington, You might have done even better by going to Wyoming! All the best to you. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics IL/rr 4 i NOY