_——— Notes on figures: The theoretical interpolation for figure 2 should not be strictly linear, but exponential. Zinhibitory should = 1- .& (taking el as the incidence of positive cells.) Even better, you should get the best fit of ‘incidence’ from all the data. Ta ing this roughly from the initial slope, it comes out about .06, and the value for @ cells per droplet (perhaps because of pooling or inhdmogenJeity of droplet size) is rather high. or black in Figure 1: this my be a little misleading. I would use cross-hateh/for the brass, and make the horizontal limb no wider than the vertical arms; then stipple the minerzl oil, or use anether horizontal hatching. The vertical section should show the adherent drops as flattened out: this is rather important. In the text it's mineral oil, here paraffin. any difference? Gus~-~ tise your own judgment on all of this and don't bother justifying it.