Sat. [letters cut off in original] SAS 466 [letters cut off in original] Paris to [letters cut off in original] Dear Gus -- We're just on the point of leaving Pari[letters cut off in original] -- we had a rather good meeting. Mel Cohn dropped by briefly and I had a chance to talk to him about their antibody-formation expts. Sir Mac must have had it wrong from him: their results do not agree with ours and Mel stated they had recorded 8 single cells (out of approximately 10 to the 3rd power) which produced T2 and T4. He is worried about residual cell debris that may still make or leak antibody and there are some other technicalities. I do not know whether their results are statistically significantly different from ours, how much can be ascribed to the technical differences in the antigens, their degree of relationship etc. etc. and it may be possible to accept both results at face value for the moment. But I would advise extreme caution in further approaches. I am still mostly perturbed 1(as far as your op. majoris is concerned) [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] by the exclusion of a statistical analysis and the clarification of what null hypotheses can be excluded: this seems to me more important than ever! Well it's your own paper and do as you feel best! I haven't run into Sir Mac yet -- hope to in Stockholm both to discuss this business and your travel plans for '59 '60 . . . . Yours as ever Joshua. [air mail envelope follows, see original]