Bethesda Maryland 25 Sept 1958. Dear Gus: This is just to say I have official notification that Australian nationals can apply for PHS fellowships. This is, so to speak, straight from the horse's mouth. I will ask that the necessary material be mailed to you, just in case this hasn't already been taken care of. But don't let this delay any alternative action you might have thought about. I am told, as Sir Mac should be or have been informed, that you should apply through the Australian National Medical Research Council. If there is any ambiguity about this you should communicate with Dr. R.E. Scantlebury here at the N.I.H. There would be a national "competition," from which 2 or 3 awards would be made. Entre nous, I think we could make other arrangements (after travel) but I would strongly encourage you to apply. Keep in touch Joshua. P.S. -- Have I asked you for a detailed biography and bibliography? Please be sure to include date and place of birth. J.