Ros 1 THE WALTER AND ELIZA HALL INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL RESEARCH A.CLN. 004 251 423 POSTAL ADDRESS: POST OFFICE, THE ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL, VICTORIA 3050, AUSTRALIA TELEPHONE: (+61 3) 9345 2555 FACSIMILE: (+61 3) 9347 0852 Affiliated with THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE DIRECTOR THE ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL SIR GUSTAV NOSSAL 10 August 1995 Professor Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021-6399 USA Dear Professor Lederberg, Your note to Professor Nossal of 7/7/95 enclosing a list of correspondence between you and him for the period 1958-1964 has been passed to me for attention. I have checked what we hold in our Archives (our Series 4) against the list you sent and have annotated it accordingly - ticks indicating the only correspondence that we have extant. Unfortunately we have almost no copies of Professor Nossal's communications with you so appreciate copies of the handwritten correspondence which you enclosed. There is little extant at all between 1960 and 1966. However, we do have the following in addition to your list: 12/22/57 - JL to GJVN (from Walter Kenyon at request of JL) 06/20/58 - JL to GJVN (postcard) 08/14/58 - JL to GJVN (short note) 09/25/58 - JL to GIVN (handwritten) 10/10/58 - JL to GIVN 10/21/58 - JL to GJVN (handwritten) 06/08/59 - JL to GIVN (postcard) 06/21/59 - JL to GJVN (handwritten) ‘To yours of June 23' (1958?) - JL to GIVN Undated letter -JL to GJVN (very thin paper) Undated note, probably 1958 -JL to GJVN Undated Aerogram, probably 1958 -JL to GIVN 2 Aerograms -JL to GJVN. Stamps have been removed along with the date and some text. * Paper (fax) with 'Getlniburg 1958’ at the top (8/10/58); undated Paper (fax) - ‘Cellular Phenotypes....', probably 1958 and another which appears to have been 'cut and pasted’, probably also 1958 *Miscellaneous cuttings from journals etc. If it is not too big a task, would it be possible for copies of the correspondence which we no longer have to be made and sent for inclusion in our Archives for future reference? (i.e. those highlighted) This would be greatly appreciated. I have enclosed copies of the material listed above for you with the exception of those marked *. Yours sincerely. Bronwyn Hewitt Archivist, WEHI Lyf ¥- Qed date? handwritten notes between JL/GJVN _— 1/26-27/60 Antibody Workshop/SU from GIVN to JL “f* date? GJVN CV 10/1/60 GJVN handwritten to JL ("This guy Nelson... .") * 9/29/59 Main points of current work being done by Lola Kelly, Jack Schooley, etc. Donner Labs, UC., Berkley. Autoradiography of lymph node cells. 10/22/58 JL to GIVN : copy of program submitted to NIH for support cover note date?: JL handwritten to GJVN : microdiffusion chambers 6/23/58 GIVN to JL: thank you for valuable comments J/ 11/19/58 JL to GIVN Y 10/27/58 JL to GIVN ~ 10/15/58 JL to GJVN: further comment on one of your ms. 10/13/58 JL. to GIVN rec;d: 10/58: Literature bearing on antibody production in vitro 9/9/58 GIVN to JL & Esther 10/8/58 GIVN to JL J 8/20/58 JL to GIVN 8/8/58 GIVN to JL 9/16/58 JL to GIVN 9/23/58 GIVN to JL 9/11/2? GIVN to JL 5/18/58.JL to GIVN _5/5/58 GIVN to JL Y 9/30/58 JL to GIVN 7/31/? GIVN to JL Y 6/23/58 JL to GIVN Y 7/19/58 JL to GIVN 7/14/58 GIVN to JL & Esther Y 1958 JL to GJVN 1/25/58 GIVN to JL & Esther 1/30/? GJVN handwritten to JL date? GJVN to JL (7 Dorothea St, Canterbury) ¥ 12/14/57 JL to GIVN 12/26/57 JL to GIVN 11/25/57 JL to Millipore Filter Corp/to send chambers to GIVN date? (Fiat Obscura) JL to GJVN 1/17/58 (Fiat Lux) GJVN to JL 12/27/57 GIVN to JL 4/6/58 GIVN to JL /4/29/58 JL to GIVN 3/25/58 GJVN to JL ; Y 3/18/58 JL to GIVN SM etd WK LSE Arekktves 3/5/58 GJVN to JL Ceerveo | 2/25/? GIVN to JL & Esther mn tw fehgy Frew & a J 3/4/58 JL to GIVN Kies re a Y 2/19/58 JL to GIVN reaquecled is (hoes: “ 10/30/58 GIVN to JL |! (l af 11/3/58 JL short memo to GJVN 10/20/? GIVN to JL 11/14/58 GIVN to JL date? photos (Figure 5-10) single lymph node cells 3/4/58 GIVN to JL 2/2/59 GIVN to JL 11/30/58 GIVN to JL 12/21/58 JL to GIVN 12/17/? GJVN to JL & Esther Stanford Medical Center/Palo Alto -Stanford Hospital/Architect pic 47/59 GIVN handwritten to JL 3/21/? GIVN & Lynn to JL & Esther 3/27/59 JL to GIVN 3/14/59 JL to GIVN 6/23/59 GIVN to Esther 9/2/59 GIVN appointment from Stanford 5/30/62 GIVN to JL / 1/9/62 GIVN to JL 12/28/61 A. Fefer & GJVN to EJ Eichwald/Editor, Transplantation Bulletin 7 11/3/61 EJ Eichwald postcard to JL: re: Nossal ms/Transplantation 11/22/61 ?? (from Repulse Bay, Hong Kong) to JL/’crank’ Itr to Gus 8/11/61 GIVN handwritten to JL 6/16/61 VP & Provost to GJVN/resignation as Assistant Professor 1961 Attempts to transfer Antibody-Forming Capacity by Nucleoprotein Fractions. 9/27/61 Western Union/Nathan Kaliss/GJVN/Martha Nester: original galley for ms date? PROBLEMS: Single Cell Work Fluorescent Antibody Technique Cloning Transformation Tolerance Dixon-Weigle Phenomenon Autoradiography 7/1/59 JL to GIVN 6/20/59 Gus & Lynn to JL & Esther 6/23/? GIJVN handwritten to JL 7/9/59 GIVN to JL 7/21/59 Western Union from GJVN to JL 7/28/? GIVN to JL 7/21/59 GIVN to JL 7/24/59 JL to GIVN 6/60 handwritten two pages/SW685-3 3/25/63 GIVN to JL 3/7/63 Mrs. Edna Friedman to GIVN 2/6/63 GIVN to Edna Friedman 12/17/62 JL to GIVN 11/30/62 GIVN to JL 3fe 6¢ EL GetN Chena) ; fe GTUN meme be Menegen, HEHE re recede fr “mper hing bachert ak cullen an YL gs 67 GAUN be TL erc.