AUSTRALIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AG ‘ f\ i GORDON STREET - CANBERRA CITY - AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY 2601 — TELEPHONE 4860113 SECRETARY (BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES]: DR. J. R. PHILIP, FAA, FRS 20 April 1978 Professor J. Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University STANFORD CALIFORNIA 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg, The Australian Academy of Science will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of its Foundation in 1979, and plans to mark the occasion by Jubilee Celebrations. These will be held in March 1979, in Canberra, and will include three one-day Symposia, one on the physical sciences, one on the biological sciences and one On science as a national activity. The Symposium on the biological sciences has been provisionally entitled Life : An Experiment with Molecules. It is proposed that the Symposium will provide a world perspective on significant developments in our understanding of the molecular basis of life processes. There will be a series of six talks on the following general topics: 1. The evolution of life on earth The origins and development of molecular biology 3. The evolution of chromosome structure in higher organisms 4. Differentiation and development in multicellular organisms 5. The molecular basis of sexuality 6. Molecules of the Future. This letter is a formal invitation for you to take part in both the Jubilee celebrations and the Symposium. We hope very much that you will give the paper on Molecules of the Future. The Symposium will be presented in the Becker Hall of the Academy of Science, Canberra, to an audience of some 300 people. Most of the audience (which will include Fellows of the Academy) will have a scientific background, but there will be a substantial component of physical scientists with no specialist knowledge of biology. Each talk is to be of 45 minutes duration. It is proposed to publish the talks in a Jubilee Symposia volume. Editorial and other details will be furnished to the authors in due course. The dates of the Jubilee Celebrations are 26-29 March 1979 and the Symposium on the biological sciences will be held on Thursday 29 March. The Academy is able to underwrite appropriate travel costs and will provide accommodation during the celebrations. We very much hope you will be able to take part and speak at the Symposium, and I understand that Sir Gustav Nossal will be writing to you informally on this matter. It would be most helpful to have your reaction to this invitation as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, J.R. PHILIP Chairman of the Organising Committee Jubilee Celebrations