SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 JOSHUA LEDERBERG Josepy D. GRANT PROFESSOR OF GENETICS January 30, 1978 Sir G. J. V. Nossal The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Post Office Royal Melbourne Hospital Victoria 3050 AUSTRALIA Dear Gus: Thank you for your note. I have waited a few days to reply in order to be able to confirm, quite officially, that the rumor is correct. I will be taking responsibility for the office on July 1, but will not move to New York until September 1. Meanwhile, I will be making a number of trips back and forth to Rockeretter University for some advance planning. Of course, I will very much want to see you when you are in California next month. We should be at home mest of the time that you are in the vicinity, so I foresee no trouble about finding a mutually convenient time. a I suspect that my own image for Rockefeller is very nearly con-. gruent with yours for the Hall Institute: a carefully integrated blend of very basic science and really significant health applications. For the latter, the world health problems that we discussed so consensually at WHO certainly deserve the highest priority. If you have anything more immediate in mind, by all means send me some information in advance; in any case, we look forward, very much, to seeing you and Lynn rather soon. Yours, (} vn phn JL: ek-f