July 1, 1975 Dr. G.J.V. Nossal ED The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Post Office, Royal Melbourne Hospital Victoria 3050, Australia Dear Gus, It really was just great fun seeing you again in Geneva. But what happened to Lynn? I thought we might have some chance to get together. I did want to make sure to follow up with you about the business of getting better statistics on occupational correlation. I am sending you some tidbits of a study that we wanted to continue a few years ago but found very frustrating indeed. It was lucky to be able to get just the roster of the ACS and tantalizing that it is almost impossible to go any further in any practical, efficient way in pursuing the occupational histories of these people. The experiment that I tried was to use bibliographic information to get some clues about the kind of exposure that the subjects in question may have had but this proved to be a bit diffuse in terms of getting the right keys for data processing and I perhaps did not follow it up as vigorously as it still may deserve. It would have been really {illuminating to be able to get hold of the outcomes of people who work in the photographic chemicals area on account of their probable heavy exposure to aniline derivatives, probably similar to the kinds of things that Bruce Ames is so. worried about! If IARC has some way of coping with this, that would be magnificéant and I hope you will prod them in that direction. I think they are going to have to go rather deeply into negotiations with national health statistical authorities to be able to make much more headway. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr