December 26, 1972 Dr. Gus Nossal The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Post Office, Royal Melbourne Hospital Victoria 3050 AUSTRALIA Dear Gus, Are you by chance coming to New York on February 5-6 ? If so, would you be coming through San Francisco? Besides my obvious desire to have a chance to see you again in a friendly way, I also had in mind that I would like you to meet one of my colleagues, Dr. Alan Duffield. He is playing a central role in our program for the computerization of mass spectrometry and its application to biochemical ptoblems and I certainly do not want to lose him and particularly not in the next year or two. However, I think he has a long-range aspiration to return to Australia in some kind of academic “igs and I thought it was not too soon to lay the groudd work for scouting the possibilities. I do not expect, accept through some remarkable coincidence, that the Hall Institute itself would have a role in this rather specialized kind of development, although this ies not impossible. However, I do believe that you must be very much in touch with the more forward lines of thinking about medical and biological research in Australia and could be one of your colleagues a great turn by knowing about Duffield's qualifications. In any case, if you are coming either to New York or to Stanford as well, I look forward to seeing you and with my best regards, Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr