APR 24 1972 THE WALTER AND ELIZA HALL INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL RESEARCH POSTAL ADDRESS: POST OFFICE, ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL, VICTORIA 3050. AUSTRALIA. TELEPHONE 347-1511 AFFILIATED WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE AND DIRECTOR: PROFESSOR G. J. V. NOSSAL, C.B.E., F.A.A. THE ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL 19th April, 1972 Professor Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, PALO ALTO, California, U.S.A. Dear Josh, Could I engage your attention in a long range plan for you and your wife to visit Australia ? Many of us who were youngsters during your 1957 visit remember it as one of the most stimulating experiences in their scientific formation, and would like to think that a repeat dose might have an equally electrifying effect on the current younger generation. Also, some of us would deeply appreciate the chance to renew contacts at the personal level. A most appropriate vehicle for such a visit would be the Rubbo Lecture for 1974. This distinguished lectureship commemorates the work and life of Syd Rubbo who, as you know, died very suddenly three years ago. It is traditionally held in association with the national meeting of the Australian Society of Microbiology, in May. The exact date for May 1974 will not be settled until the Council of ASM meets towards the end of May 1972. We would like to be able to work out a plan that would allow you and your wife to have a fairly leisurely visit to Australia, extending perhaps for two or three weeks. There would be several alternatjve - ways of financing this. Two possibilities, not mutually exclusive, would be to make you a Felton Bequests’ Visiting Professor to the School of Microbiology of the University of Melbourne and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for a period of two weeks - Jam on the Felton Bequests’ Committee and feel confident that they would jump at the chance of sponsoring your visit; also, the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Academy of Science is always held on the last Thursday and Friday of April, and in 1974 the Symposium will be on a biological topic - if we thought that you would be in the country, we could plan to more or less structure the Symposium around yourself. Needless to say, the Rubbo Lecture alone would cover your first class fare together with a modest honorarium, /2.. Professor Joshua Lederberg 19th April, 1972 but one of the latter plans would allow us not only to invite your wife, but to structure the financial arrangements in a fashion more appropriate to your status. I know itis difficult to organise one's thoughts so far ahead, but I felt I should let you know how strongly David White, Bruce Holloway, Jim Pittard, Frank Gibson, Frank Fenner (not to speak of Mac and Linda Burnet or Gus and Lyn Nossal!) feel about this possibility. With warmest regards and hoping to hear from you soon. Yours, as ever Copy to: Professor D.O. White