emo from To: Nossal JOSHUA LEDERBERG oss NOV 22 197 Merril etc No obvious faults, nor easy answers to the ques- tions you raise. Wait to see confirmations! (But I don't think we'll jump into it here). It would be very wonderful to revisit Australia after 14 years; but the occasional opportunitiesfs. simply have not coincided with my own possibilitie However, I do not abandon hope. I hear nothihg kbut good news of you and the Hall; and am delighted to hear of your bucolic relief. All the best P.S. What;s gotten into Sir Mac -- re his admonitions on microbial genetics. The same _ argument could apply to any research on pathoe gens, and inevitably would be if his appeal were heeded. PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford Universit Stanford, California 94305