John Moore UC/R [stamped, JUL -5 1988] Dear Johnnie Now: The Fly room Thank you, Johnny, for your sharp recall about the Schermerhorn pile. That's very helpful. It's hard to find anyone at Columbia who remembers (or cares about) such history. May I trouble you some more? I'm checking to see what commemoration there is about The Fly Room. (I'm giving a "Morgan-Sturtevant Lecture" at Woods Hole later this month.) Several books cite 613 Schermerhorn as the location. Is that right for sure? Can you confirm? sketch that in relation to the "histology lab" (was that 601 Schermerhorn?) The only pieces of paper I have that refer to room numbers are enclosed. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] Do you know what "the fly room" was used for ca. 1941? I'm just trying to recreate the aura of my first arrival at Columbia in Sept. 41. Ever so many thanks, Joshua. If I spend a day browsing through the Dept. records up there, I can probably dig it all out: but perhaps you can just fetch it out of memory. [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] [printed material follows, see original] In the 41-42, 42-43 catalogs: 613 -- Zoo 101-102 lab! -- u [?] 116 -- Biol. of Insects. 618 -- Spieth -- Biol of Insects 601 -- Zool 110 Comp. Anat. was that a lecture room or lab? 601 -- Zool u [?] 111R -- Evolution of Man I think Steinback gave me a lab desk in 613. Was the "fly room" large enough for Zoo 101-102?