i. JCS wecer dary 1431 PITMAN AVE. HS22 [ehew Ay PALO ALTO, CAL. 94301 HY WHSEI-OOY 2h7lp2— Gvso7 Dear John and Betty We did have a marvelous time in Borrego. We stopped at Culp Valley, then Coyote Creek and Fish Creek Wash. One night we had Font's Potnt to ourself. The week before Xmas is certainly the time to go; and the weather was superb. The warmth of your own welcome and hospitality was a great sendoff; and I hope you will let us reciprocate around San Francisco. You were teasing us to question us about the desert. We found out where Harper ‘Flats are; but we had no means of getting there (and not the time to backpack). Thank you for the remarks about Pollister and Dunn. I hope you will also keep in mind recording some of your own mem recollections about disciplinary parochialism. My own note to Natute fs too kind, in some ways, to the "classical geneticists"-- of which, by the way, Stent calls me the Last; but whatever impediments there were to the free growth of molecular biology in the late 40s surely were not based an ignorance of the work of Avery and others. I have tom give high marks to the people at Yale and Wisconsin for providing homes for Tatum and myself respectively; at a time when Tatum was unpromotable from an asst. professorship at Stanford (This was 1944!). Ravin has also quoted a rather bitter remark of Harriett's. (encl.) Anyhow, I hope it's not too long before we can get together again; all the best from Marguerite and P.S. Take no trouble about it, please; but if you stumble across a very thin leather glove, _ it may be maxn mine, and will fit neadily in the ehclosed self- addressed( My concern ts more sentimental than practuétal,)