—— x SUL 13 197 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE BERKELEY * DAVIS * IRVINE * LOS ANGELES * RIVERSIDE * SAN DIEGO ¢ SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA ¢ SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT OF LOESKENGEX Biology RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92502 11 July 1971 Dear Josh, Many thanks for sending the new material for my"Readings in Heredity & Development". Have done the cutting and pasting and now the revised material is on its way to Oxford University Press. I followed all of your suggestions except: I did not remove the major portion of the first paragraph of the American Nat. paper, That is a fine introduction for students -- putting things in a broad perspective. Also, the third paragraph on that page, which you Suggested be deleted, is being kept. That also is very useful for students. kK Of course, if you really do want them removed, it will be done. But saving space is not that important. Biology. Few have thought as deeply or as humanely about these One of these days I hope that you will write a Social’ _{ Biolog as you. The,need is very great. ‘ Ww ” N, oc aa ‘ ye Sincerel > yl Me AT yp Vs Soa WSIS OY Fs f . c . Yt ‘| 5 7 wa \\ ot, AY ww 0. Y i“ ALN A . 4 Yt ! ° ty? x ws or py’ Xe vv ohn A. Moore 4 ? Caen eee eG [2 _ - f e (\ hac) i { h Lo een ~ a “K ot las . CLA, Paras LEAS ay , iF WO At re, Te YOANN OF GS NY 4 ft » . } ‘ : 4 ; a 3 cd ? tl 4, ca - 7 Apres (any Ie (ed Gane pow And Teneds vromdy 2 Cet nd