APR 1 1971 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE BERKELEY * DAVIS * IRVINE * LOS ANGELES * RIVERSIDE * SAN DIEGO * SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA * SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT OF LIFE SCIENCES RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92502 30 March 1971 Dear Josh, Will you grant permission for me to use your article, “Experimental Genetics and Human Evolution” in a book of readings that I have just prepared? The book, “Readings in Heredity & Development” is a companion volume for my “Heredity & Development", which I have just revised. Both will be published by Oxford Unive ersity Press, You will find enclosed a xermx of the proposed table of contents. If you are familiar with other anthologies of papers in these fields, you will note that mine will not be in competition -- at least it will not duplicate what is now available. In contrast to the other anthologies known to me, mine will not include the fundamental data papers but will a be concerned with the general papers of some of the "greats". * For example, Morgan (CHapter 5) is represented by his . Croonian Lecture and hiS address to the Ithaca congress. His = experiments are treated at length in"Heredity & Development". 7 I Hope that you will let me use your paper. If so, I will then contact the publisher toask his permission. “lo I am sure that Betty would join me in sending our best were . she here; she is in Quito today, mr en route to the Galapagos 5 for a short trip. &kmmek Since I have not been liberated, my fate is to stay home to water the plants and nurture my students. Sincerely yours, John A. Moore FAH Contents le Barly Theories of Inheritance £ bh lhe ; a . “ : t pueet pre € hte NN oe Hippocrates Airs, Waters, Places. kat OMA \ aac Leah at er > - “Aristotle: Generation of Animals, tit 2 wD ‘ eo ee de te ‘ A tb : Francis Galton: Experiments in Pangenesis, by Breeding from Rabbits Steg , Op of a | Pure Variety, into Whose cirewlati.on Blood Taken Fron Other / Pp opt / . i A , avin of - Varieties had Previously been largely 1 Trensfused, at, |. Charles Darwin: Pangenesis. fo a | we Francis Galton: Pangenesis, - Lb stents of the Cell | E pliler —{ | “Nehemiah Grew: The Anatomy: af Plants with | an 1 Idea of a Philosophical Sfon2d Wie abe History of Plants wwith-an-Edea and Several other lectures Read Babbogefty | — efore ‘the Royal Society. | | J Peter Mark Roget: Animal and Vegetable Physiology Considered with - Reference to Natural Theology. . . | | Rudolf Virchows: Cellular Pathology as Based Upon Physiological and t t Pathological Histology. 1: August Weismann: The Continuity of the Gern-Plasn as the Foundation of a Theory of Heredity. "August Weismann: On the Number of Polar Bodice and their Significance in Heredity. oe "August Weismann: Amphinixiy or the. Essential Meaning of Conjugation ‘ and Sexual Reproduction. . Edmund B. Wilson: The Cell | in Develognent. and Inheritance. . 3. Mendelism | | William Bateson and Miss, Saunders: Experimental Studies in. the Physiology of Heredity. Reports to the Evolution Committee. ‘Thomas Hunt Morgan: What are "Factors" in Mendelian Explanations? Free ue The Chromosomes and Inheritance " Bamund Be, Wilson: Mendet"s Frineiples of Heredity and the Maturation oF the Germ-Cells, we a Edmund B. Wilsons Croonian lecture The Bearing of Cytological Research on Heredity. eemund Bs Wilson: Appreciation of Walter - Stanborough Sutton. Be. Morgan and Drosophila : Theanas Hunt Morgan: Croonian Lecture : Qn the Mechanism of Heredity. “‘Thanas Hunt Morgan: The Rise of Genetics. : 6. Genetics -- Old and New | He Je Muller: Pilgrim Trust Lecture. The > Gene. 7. The Substance of Inheritance | Oswald Avery: Letter to his Brother. Gunther S, Stent: DNA. . 8, The Genetics of Man | Joshua Lederberg: Experimental Genetics and Human Evolution. Je ahaa oa | Edmund B. Wilson: The’ Mosaic Theory of Development. : Hans Spemanns CroonianLecture : Organizers in Animal Development.