Columbia University in the City of New York | New York, N.Y. 10027 L SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICA Cc Schermerhorn Hall April 5, 1967 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Josh: I am turning to a few friends for advice on an important matter. The University has appointed a Search Committee for a new Chairman of its recently formed Department of Biological Sciences. I am the Chairman of this Committee. Beginning July 1 I will be, also, the Chairman of the Department--to serve until the new Chairman is appointed, hopefully before September 1968. There is a great opportunity for someone to guide the expansion of the Department under very favorable circumstances. The educational and scientific opportunities of the New York City area have always been enormous and, added to this, the University is fully behind the Department's plans for a vigorous expansion. In fact, the University Administra- tion now regards the development of biology as one of its most important objectives, Columbia has embarked on a 200 million dollar fund drive and the new biology building is near the top of the list of . projects for which these funds will be used. Space is avail- able for construction and the working plans are now being drawn. The new building will allow for a doubling of the Department's facilities, staff, and programs. Even before these new quarters are available, the Univer- sity is encouraging the Department to seek new staff members, especially scientists of maturity and distinction. At the top of the list of needs is the person to serve as Chairman of the Department. In this connection, we require an outstanding biologist with sound administrative abilities that will enable him to develop a well-rounded Department of Biological Sciences. Any suggestions that you have will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, John A. Moore JAM:1f FA OTe tayo oe