Yr Pfr) 7 GENETICS DEPARTMENT Projected financial needs for five years 1959 - 1964 Not yet budgeted: On 5-year basis. 1. Laboratory equipment and furnishing: £100,000. Initial needs are met by sharing of facilities with Pharmacology and Biochemistry Departments. As these departments get into gear, these ''lToans'' will have to be repaidéd, concomitant with consolidation of Genetics Laboratories in new space. 2. Salary increments and promotions average increment (at aobut 8°/, per annum) Part of this already budgeted. Remainder 320,000 3. General departmental assistance (One secretary already budgeted). Secretarial (for new research staff) $20,000 "Administrative assistant!’ (mainly design, maintenance and procurement of equipment ) 35,000 Contribution to shop meéhanic 15,000 $70,000 BxxGanexakx es epaxXmenxakxarsisxtanee 4, Stipends for post-doctorate associates (e.g. foreign fellow whose participation NIH training program is not ¥encouraged). 355,000 5. Starting expenses: initial costs and underwriting for new $65,000 projects, and especially in support of new staff (two appointments contemplated:(19 Human physiological genetics (2) mamalian genetics (trans plantation) NOTE: Pediatrics contemplates a joint appointment with Genetics in the field of biometrical and 300,000 population genetics of man. )for interval before the project is organised to qualify for project research grant. These may be especially high for mammalian genetics program. Also contribution to building fund. University is strainpaits resourcesto complete basic needs for the medical center. 1. Laboratory Equipment 3B 100,000 2. Salary increments 20,000 3. General departmental 70,000 4. Postdoctoral stipends 55, 000 5. Starting expenses new projects 75,000 6. Remodeling of existing plant (Over 35,000 present budget) 3 345,000 Request now - 400, 000 margin % 45,000 margin: savings from other grants, abortive projects and make do without. Boxe MU st Aware ew STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF HEDICINE Ww DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS, 1959-60 BUDGET 4 de Q a C LA 4 Co rr dal, , wit c 4 A SOURCES OF FUNDS TOTAL Univ. NSFG6411 NIHE2700 NIH2Ge95 Salaries Tenure appointments $31,000 $31,000 § § $ Nontenure appts. Asst, Professor 10,000 10,000 Instructor ¥,000 2,000 + Y 00 Research Associates 13,500 6,000 7,500 Research Assistants 8,500 4,000 4,500 Graduate Rsch. Asats. 6,000 6,000 Part time Assistants 6,500 500 6,000 Secretary 3,600 3,600 Supplies 18,350 3,050 1,500 2,000 11,800 Equipment 24,900 1,500 5,000 18,400 Travel 5,500 500 600 4,400 Library 4,750 250 500 4,000 Training Stipends ~ Postdoctoral 260,000 20,000 Predoctoral 135,200 13,200 Students 4,000 4,000 $173,800 $37,650 $19,750 $20,600 $95,800 ? Thea totale tychide oid 4/20/59 Like, “ & on eo er