The Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research Board of Scientific Advisers Office of Director S. BAYNE-JONES, Director Yale University School of Medicine RALPH G. MEADER, Assistant Director 333 Cedar Street Bumowsl J; ANDERSON New Haven 11, Connecticut Ross G. HARRISON , JOHN J. MORTON PEYTON Rous GEORGE M. SMITH M. C. WINTERNITZ October 31, 1946 Mr. Joshua Lederberg Osborn Botanical Laboratory Yale University School of Medicine Dear Mr. Lederberg: We are getting together information about reprints which should be included in our 1946 volume of Collected Papers of the Fund. We will be much obliged for your assistance in completing our records and our collection of reprints of papers which have been published in 1946 in which aid from this Fund is acknowledged. We should like to learn if there have been any papers resulting from the work done with the aid of the grants from this Fund and if any are contemplated, If there are any, will you please list them for us giving full bibliographic information and send us at your earliest convenience 25 reprint copies of each. Sincerely yours, R. G. Meader rgm:em