The Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research Board of Scientific Advisers Office of Director S. BAYNE-JONES, Director i, . ‘ Yale U: RALPH G. MEADER, Assistant Director e University School of Medicine RUDOLPH J. ANDERSON 333 Cedar Street Ross G. HARRISON New Haven 11, Connecticut JOHN J. MorTON PEYTON Rous GEORGE M. SMITH M. C. WINTERNITZ July 25, 1946 Mr. Joshua Lederberg Osborn Botanical Laboratory Yale University Dear Mr. Lederberg: It was good of you to send us a carbon copy of the manuscript of your joint paper with Dr. Tatum on "Novel Genotypes in Mixed Cultures of Biochemical Mutants of Bacteria," read at the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium. Dr. Bayne-Jones and I were pleased to refresh our recollections of the discussion we had with you and Dr. Tatum on July 18. Thank you. Sincerely yours, R. G. Wleader rgm:mh