Columbia Cniversity - UN inthe Citpof Hew Dork [NEW York 27, 8. ¥.] DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY DEC 1 1 1945 5 4 December 8, 1945 kaon Dr. Malph G. Meader . . gd. G. Uhilds memorial Fund ror «edical nKesearch $55 Cecar street New haven, 11, Conn. Dear Dr. meader, ZT am writing in support of the fellowship application ot iar. Joshua Lederberg. i have Kuown him siuce he wes an undergruauave in Volumoia voliege aa nave seen nim aevelop persoualiy througa nis expes:ience with tne vl2 Naval unit Doth at she College and in secdicel Sehool. ; While at Columbia he made a remarkable impression upon his teachers, both in the Sciences ana in the Humanities. Before he graduated he nad completed, with distinction, a number of graduate courses and in my opinion was much better than most of our graduate students in Zoology. At Medical School his improvement has continued. Possessed of a tremendous energy, he has not only done sood york in nis courses but has found time during tie past two years to engage in some reseurch during the evening and on weexends. ‘his summer he began some part time «work with me on biochemical mutants of the mold, Neurosvors. The progress of the work during this short time has been remarkable. He has been able to demonstrate that in some cases the adaptations which the mold undergoes are due to genic bacK-mutations. Some of these are especially interesting genetically because they are not at the original locus. in addition he has revealed a complicated interactim petween mutant ana wild type nuclei which is of the greatest interest. «At least one paper on this subjecs gnould be published early 1n 1946. I am quite sure taoat no present graduate student in our department would have achieved so muca in so little tine. The reason for this achievement must be attributed to a large number of qualities which Lederberg posseses. Among them are immense energy, a very fine imagination, acute judge- ment in the design of exoeriments and close acquaintance with the literature. I have tried, and think I am succeeding, to develop a proper attitude of self criticism in Lederberg. This may be lis greatest weakness, although, not surprising in one so young. - the possibility that Lederberg may work with Professor 4, L. Tatumat Yale during his vacation from Medical School this spring and sumser is very attractive in many ways. In the first place,to engage in such an association will certainly accelerate his own development. In addition,I have every confidence that iis record will be one of accomplishment. Upon rereading what I have wittenI fear that it may sound like an overstatement. It siupiy is note Lederberg is, in my opinion a very gifted young man with unusual achievement and prumise. “he Child's Fund would make no mistake in granting . him a fellowship. Tod, > Zoology hase seceeved Sincerely yours, assistant FJR:SR he oeuetic control behavior