The Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research Board of Scientific Advisers Office of Director S. BAYNE-JoNES, Director Yale University School of Medicine RALPH G. MEADER, Assistant Director 333 Cedar Street moras ARRESON New Haven 11, Connecticut OHN J. MorTON j Prion Rous December 5, 1945 Grorce M. SmiTH M. C. WINTERNITZ Dr. Edward L. Tatum Osborn Botanical Laboratory Yale University Dear Doctor Tatum: Thank you for your letter of December 3 relating to our telephone conversation of November 8 regarding the possibility of a means of enabling a promising medical student at Columbia to work with you. I am glad to learn more about Mr. Lederberg. As I told you in our previous talk, this type of project for a predoctoral student is outside of the general plan of our fellowship pro- gram, but the request is one which I would like to present to our Board of Scientific Advisers for an expression of opinion. I enclose 3 copies of the application forms for our fellowships of which Mr. Lederberg should fill out 2 for submission to us as soon as possible, if he wishes to have consideration given to the matter on December 16. Many of the items he will have to leave blank, I suppose. To save time, he should ask the persons he gives as references to write directly to me. a Sincerely yours, ICG (Mesh R. G&/Meader rem:mh