OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM @ STANFORD UNIVERSITY ¢ OFFICE MEMORANDUM Date: November 13, 1973 To: Dr. Joshua Lederberg FROM: L. L. Cavalli-Sforza a emma SUBJECT: Chronology of research on phylogenetic analysis 1961 1963 1964 1965 1966 1966 (unpub1.) 1970 1973 1973 Work with Anthony Edwards in Pavia begun. Three methods--all approximate--for analysis in the case of gene frequencies or anthropometric traits (least squares, minimum path, cluster analysis. All use matrix of distances between population pairs). Paper at the Hague Genetics Congress. Anthony and I start on maximum likelihood solution of problems. Fitch reinvents independently method 1. Camin and Sokal independently find approximate method for qualitative traits and accept principle that phylogenetic analysis differs from standard taxometry. J. Felsenstein proves covariances between populations are proportional to evolutionary time. Starts on maximum likelihood solution. Anthony proves that full maximum likelihood solution is practically impossible. Gives paper at Royal Statistical Society of London, all big brass of British statistics attending. No useful advice obtained. J. Felsenstein publishes iterative maximum likelihood solution using matrix of distances. September, I get interested in measuring "treeness", that is how well data are represented by a model of independent evolution. On a problem concerning distribution of non-independent correlation coefficients, I consult with Ingram Olkin. He mentions a formally related problem was solved by a student of Wilks and he himself has provided an extension designed to solve a psychological testing problem. Ingram gives me references to Wilks, Votaw's papers. On this basis, the problem of estimation of tree parameters and of treeness can be solved by the likelihood ratio criterion (a somewhat different procedure from classical maximum likelihood but almost as widely accepted). It is basic to use matrix of variances and covariances, not of distances. Solution would have been easy since the beginning if the Wilks' paper~-a classic, but rarely read in the original even if it is very readable--had been reinterpreted as an example of a tree with all populations splitting at once. Some lessons: 1) Fundamental papers should be read in the original and not learned from textbooks. 2) There is no universal method best for everything. 3) One never considers things from sufficiently different angles. DEC 24 1980 Len cp-s/o.2 Ly WNONVYOWIW JD1ddO © ALISYTAINN GYOINVIS © WNGNVYOWIW 3Dd1ddO © ALISUTAINN GYOA4NVIS ®© WNANV¥OW|W FD1ddO © ALISHZJAINN GYOANVIS ©