UACcf£ Note to File - Subject: Luncheon - Wednesday, April 25, 1979 with Lester Breslow LL Accompanied by his wife Devra, George Reeder and Ted Cooper at the Union Club. This was at my behest having seen that Breslow was giving some lectures at Cornell primarily to catch up with the progress of the Annual Review of Public Health. He said that was going well. They have recruited an excellent board. They are probably not doing as much in environmental health as he himself would like to see. I should send him the suggestion about trying to solicit something from Sugimura. On cancer from roasted foods. Much of the discussion was about how to get better cooperation and organization of work in cancer control versus cancer research. There is a lot of polarization on the expenditure of funds. ‘The management of cancer control appears not to be too effective. On the other hand, there is grave concern that cancer control funds have been robbed by the basic investigators. Apparently, there needs to be a forum where there can be more mutual criticism and communication between these communities. I don't think the centers are a particularly apt place to do it but rather something at a more national level. But Devra herself owned up that she probably had not exercised that route sufficiently although she is deeply imbued with the importance of public communication. The Breslow's have a book on the history of cancer control but it has not been published except as a govern- ment document. I assume I can get that. They will be sending me some reprints.