UNIVERSITY Faculty of SOCIAL SCIENCES ‘ OF CALGARY Department of SOCIOLOGY 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4 Telephone (403) 284-6501 1981-10-09 President's Office Rockefeller University Dear Professor Lederberg: Thanks for your interest in our article which appeared recently in the Philosophy of the Soetal Setences. This is really just a preliminary outline of our goals to investigate multiple discoveries in greater detail. We have obtained a copy of Dean Simonton's list of over 600 multiple discoveries and my co-author has devised a general loglinear modelling program to parse out the effects of variables like nationality, discipline and specialization on things like the magnitude of the multiple and the spread between first and last dates and how these relationships change over time. We have only begun these runs, and have no news as yet. Whatever outcomes we determine concretely, we are absolutely sure that certain effects can be traced systematically to other variables and that consequently it would be an error to put much faith in the chance model explored by both Derek Price and Dean Simonton. Things must be more complex than the chance interaction between scientists and natural discoveries. I'11 keep you posted on how this turns out. On another front, I must express my real gratitude to you for your kind letter on my behalf to the Department of Sociology at the University of Western Ontario. The position did not materialize, but your letter will stand me in excellent stead should I be considered there in the future. I should point out that I have been renewed here in a tenure stream position, and I've received universal support for my science studies. Indeed I am being encouraged to organize a three day colloquium here for next March on the question of the Social Control of Technological Impact. The nuclear business and the exploitation of the Canadian north are topics close to everyone's heart here, and such a conference would allow me an opportunity to draw links between my interests in science studies as well as my interests in socio-legal studies. Indeed I've prepared a short discussion paper which begins to draw links between the control of harmful behaviours in the criminal domain, and the problem of controlling inadvertent and unintended harms which arise from Big Technology. I'm sending it along - though it's nothing more than a eee e/2 Po primer on this question. I presented it to a group here at Gordon Hodgson's environmental research centre, and it created quite a stir. Scientists were quite reluctant to accept responsibility for their conduct when it is business-related conduct. In the case of Ford's exploding Pinto, the engineers put the blame on the management-structure of the company, in spite of the professional code of the engineering profession. This is a very dicey situation for their degree of culpability in scores of Pinto-deaths is not a straight forward matter. At any rate, I think a conference which draws together some people working in the twilight zone between business and science should be useful in identifying some areas of effective social control which stifle neither the entrepreneurial or the scientific spirit. Lastly, I am still awaiting the publication of my book. I'll be sure to send a copy when it arrives. ‘He pom T fr) gan w ‘ia haath ~ and Varks ome mare gor yee Ae, Uber ‘Rest Cy Shes Sos (Shammpon