Princeton University PrinceTon, New JERSEY 08544 PRESIDENT’S ROOM April 28, 1980 President Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: Thank you for your note concerning Walter Murphy. Iam delighted to learn that you enjoyed Vicar of Christ. Walter is a distinguished political scientist, who specializes in constitutional law and the role of the Supreme Court, In my view he would be an excellent Fellow at the Center. Fortunately, he is already eligible, having received top ratings in the most recent review by the panel, The only problem -- and, unfortunately, it is a serious one -- is that his wife is not at all well, having had a stroke about a year ago. In any event, I shall pass your note on to Gardner, with a copy of this acknowledgment, to encourage him to invite Walter to the Center, a We missed you at our last meeting, With best wishes, Sincerely, = a William G, Bowen ape WGB:lc — ce: Dr. Gardner Lindzey