QOKST Ke wuMay, o 7, 5 [Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY . University /Z _ 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 “> oe April 23, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Peter Borst University of Amsterdam Section Medical Enzymology and Molecular Biology Biochemistry Laboratory Amsterdam 1004 Netherlands Dear Dr. Borst: Professor Jim Darnell has mentioned your name to me as a colleague who is turning his interests towards the molecular biology of parasitic protozoans. We are beginning to address the problem of the extension and maintenance of the research programs at the Rockefeller University in the application of modern biological ap- proaches to parasitic diseases. I would be most inter- ested to get your views and advice on the opportunities in this area with particular reference to the names of promising personalities. In addition, I would be grate- ful if you could send me reprints of your own recent publications in this field. rs sincer Shua Lederberg