ro aE 2 oh | Duke Universif¥ As. Pivers Island » Beauft cs Phone (919) 72640 FY 'felex 579369 4 d a ff > March 4, 1981 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, President Rockefeller University New York, NY 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: | have just read the editorial in the March 2, 1981, issue of CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS. This editorial, as you know, is a verbatim quote of part of a talk that you gave earlier this year at a briefing held at the World Environment Center. Is it possible to obtain a complete version of your talk? The quote used by C&EN is timely and | suspect there are many other good thoughts in the rest of your talk. We are in the planning stages of approaching the problem of comparative toxicology. We have recently established a Marine Biomedical Center here at the Duke University Marine Laboratory. This Environmental Health Sciences-funded center is devoted to the use of marine organisms as they can apply as models and model systems that can be related to the health of our species and the health of our environment. Along with this note, | have attached two of the most recent issues of an occasional publication of our center. If you would like tosbe put on the mailing list to receive future issues, please fill out one of the reply cards. | look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, \woepl Barve Joseph Bonaventura, Director Marine Biomedical Center JB/bkb Enclosures eee SP