Princeton University PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 08544 PRESIDENT’S ROOM May 2, 19793 Professor William J. Baumol wv 108 Dickinson Hall Princeton University Dear Will: When I was out in California last weekend attending a meeting of the Board of the Center for 4dvanced Stucy in the Behavioral Sciences, I talked withfJpst Lederberg, President of Rockefeller University, whd gerves on that Board too, Josh expressed a strong interest in talking with someone in New York about &é Sritists, and especially economists, who mjg sted in aspects larly questions related af [ thought you were the and that I would have subject! Accordingly, 0 you, encouraging you er contributions to good at the two of you would enjoy meeting, With b 8, as always, Sincerely, William G, Bowen WGBrle , é cc: President Joshua Lederberg, Ly - Rockefeller University eo