DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR GENETICS Gocwer ELLER tri HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL RS “a HATTUCK TRE ra £8 suarrvcn wont AUG 3 1380 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02118 Xs LCE OF Tye PRES” August 5, 1980 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Apparently your sources were right if a little in advance of official action. I am pleased to join the Panel. with the prospect of your leadership. I hope it will be possible to have the three of us meet very soon without the NCI staff and in a leisurely setting to begin to consider what the Panel can focus on for the next few years. Perhaps we can meet in your office at your convenience. a Am I correct in my understanding that the Panel is empowered to concern itself with any aspect of the cancer program it consi- ders in need of review? If so, we can perhaps direct our atten- tion to such issues as: 1. Extending funding period for outstanding investigators and projects. 2. The dogma and the priority scores of highly original proposals. 3. Should the Cancer Program engage in so-called "control" efforts? If so, what and how much? 4. Should our limited funds be spent on trying to discour- age smoking of cigarettes? Should some other agency or agencies take on persuasion activities? 5. The search for carcinogens vs. the study of carcinogenesis. Dr. Joshua Lederberg August 5, 1980 Page 2 6. What approaches to nutrition and cancer should be encouraged? How to go about finding a new direction for nutrition research. The Establishment in nutrition and the Science of nutrition. 7. How much diversity in experimental systems should be encouraged? 8. The threat to public confidence in the Cancer Program and the involvement in risk assessment and speculation (as in cancer due to exposure in the workplace and diet recommendations for cancer prevention) . I would especially like to hear at length your assessment of the Panel's potential and how we should proceed. Sincerely, Harold Amos ha/yh