UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY * DAVIS * IRVINE * LOS ANGELES * RIVERSIDE * SAN DIEGO * SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA * SANTA CRUZ THE BANCROFT LIBRARY e May 17, 1978 Professor Joshua Lederberg President Designate The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Professor Lederberg: Upon my return to Berkeley I examined the relevant section of the President's papers concerning appointments to the staff in the late 1950s. Indeed the appointment was downplayed in the President's office, but for reasons entirely unrelated to your accomplishments in the field of genetics. There were two cases of professors who wished to hire a close relative, in one case his wife, that required judgment on the part of the President in view of a regulation that existed against such prac- tices. Until these cases were ajudicated the President's office did not wish to set any precedents by bringing you to the campus and hiring your wife in the same department. There is very little material on the case after this point in 1957 and I am not sure why it was not pursued later. You might wish to consult Michael Lerner's and the Department of Genetics" papers now at the American Philosophical Society. I intend to keep in mind your generous offer to make your side of the correspondence available for serious students of UCB history é6f that period. Thank you for being such a kind host at the recent meeting of the Charles BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94720 Ty (Bvropioy \ Babbage Institute. I enjoyed the meeting very much and hope for significant contributions of the Institute. Yours sincerely, (Lz Ma L Arthur L. Norberg “A Coordinator " History of Science and Technology Program Theis Ahn va period |