: Aid LEC , Keo wee, "Sy AREA CODE 608 AMAY 9 1980 ) — A s gua. Or cS LCE OF THe PRES” McARDLE LABORATORY FOR CANCER RESEARCH MEDICAL CENTER ‘ UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - MADISON, WISCONSIN 53706 May 7, 1980 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, President The Rockefeller University New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: Thank you for sending to me the obituary of E. L. Tatum. To answer your footnote 2., I could supply you with a short anecdotal comment by J. Winge, with whom I was working at the Carlsberg Laboratory in 1948/49. When I decided to emigrate to the USA and asked Winge whose tab he would recommend to me, he unhesitantly specified the two ''best American laboratories'’ in microbial genetics. "If you want to work with an old-timer’ - he said - "I will write to M. Demerec in Cold Spring Harbor. But since biochemistry is now of utmost importance in genetics, I would rather write a letter of recommendation to a young but brilliant man, whose name is Tatum". Winge wrote to Tatum, but he was just moving from Yale to Stanford. So ultimately I landed in Cold Spring Harbor. Maybe this assessment of Tatum in 1948/49 by one of the leading European geneticists will be of interest to you. With the warmest personal regards, a Sincerely yours, / “ \ a, ga ee, Waclaw Szybalski Professor of Oncology WS:ms