D+ Cult April 9, 1975 Dr. Le pat The Réckkfeller University East 66th Street and York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Ed, I was very much interested to see your paper with Mishra and Niu in the February PNAS. Among other things you may recall that my first effort in real science was the unsuccessful attempt that Francis Ryan and I made to demonstrate transformation in Neurospora, During the years we have maintained some contact with the general problem, and I thought you would be either amused or interested to have some of the enclosures. We are not actively working on this at the present time although from time to time we do contemplate looking to see what would happen with RNA DNA complexes with or without stitching them together. Enclosed also is a pre-print of our current work to illuminate the point I {just made. By chance I happened to have received a reprint from Shen San-Chuin in 1962 and as you seemed to know of this work only by indirect reference, I thought you would like to have a copy, one of which is enclosed. Together with it is some discussion I have had about the problema of identifying Chinese names which this illustrated when I attempted to look it up in some of the indexes. What do you make of tha RNA result?! Do you have any other evidence of the working of a reverse transcriptase in Neurospora? Will you yourself be pursuing this matter any further? Norton Zinder told me that you were out here in the general area not very long ago; I would certainly like to have a chance to see you again and if such an opportunity should arise, please do let me know so that we have a way to get together. I would also Particularly like you to have a chance to meat our new daughter (who is just 11 months old now!). Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg ae ure Professor of Genetics