£2 1968 JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK., CHAIRMAN / . SUBCOMMi‘ TéE: ¥ HCNRY M, JACKSON, WASH, SAM J. ERVIN, JR. N.C, ERNEST GRUENING, ALASKA EDMUND Ss, MUSKIE, MAINE ABRAHAM RIGICOFF, CONN, FRCD ©. HARRIS, OKLA, ROSERT F. KENNEDY, N.Y. LEE METCALF, MONT. JOSEPH M. MONTOYA, MN. MEX, KARL E. MUNDT, 5, DAK. , ERNEST GRUENING, ALAS", CHAIRMAN CARL YT. CURTIS, NEBR. . EDMUND &. MUSKIE, MAINE KARL E. MUNDT, 8. DAK. JACOB K. JAVITS, N.Y. ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, CONN, MILWARD L. SIMPSON, WYO. MILWARD L. SIMPEON, WYO. LEE METCALF, MonT. CARL T. CURTIS, NEBR. JOSEPH M. MONTOYA, N. MEX, “whirled States Senate WALTER L. REYNOLDS COMMITTEE ON CHIEF CLERK AND STAFF DIRECTOR GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AID EXPENDITURES (PURSUANT TO &. RES. 58, 89TH CONGRESS) July 9, 1965 Dr. E. L. Tatun The Rockefeller Institute New York, N. Y. 10021 Dear Dr. Tatum: My Legislative Assistant, Herb Beaser, tells me he was able to reach you this morning and that you share my belief that the hearing with the U. S. Nobel Laureates in Science must be a success. I learned last night that I would have to fly to Alaska Tuesday evening, July 13. Therefore, the scheduled July 14 hearing with the U. S. Nobel Laureates will have to be re- scheduled. : I regret that this unexpected change in plans occurred, but I am sure you can understand how such things happen. There- fore, if anything positive ‘has developed by the time this letter arrives, I suggest that we continue with the project bearing in mind that the hearings can be held at a later date that is con- venient to you and your colleagues. . _ Public opinion is snowballing and the letters being sent to Members of Congress indicate that throughout America men and women do want birth control information available to them upon request. I think the prestige of your group would add immeasurably to the hearings, and I hope we can meet later this summer. , Your leadership in coordinating this difficult assign- ment is appreciated by the Subcommittee on Foreign Aid Expendi- tures of the Senate Government Operations Committee. With best wishes, I am Cordially yours, vv Ae ALLEY © \ ERNEST GRUENING, U. S. S:;