Mount Vernon House * Holly Hill London NW3 + Hampstead 0822 Your Excellency: 28th Karob 1965 I am writing to ask if you will be good envugh to arrange for the two Declarations that accompany this letter, signed by Nobel Prizewinners from all over the world, to be brought to the attention of His Holiness the Pope. These Declarations have no other purpose than to give His Holiness evidence of the sincerity and sense of urgency with which a large group of learned men hope for the solution of a aost difficult and per- plexing problen. We felt that anytaing which aight help his Holiness in the onerous task that now faces him would be a contribution towards that solution. ‘Te two Declarations do not differ in substance: that signed by American prizewinners (or prizewinnerse tesporarily in America) ia the longer. My fellow laureates will learn with great gratitude of your kind offices in thio matter, and on ‘their behalf as well as ay own I thank ‘you most cor- dially for your help. a Iam, Your Excellency, Yours very sincerely, Ir. Pf. &- Medawar Hie Excellency Archbishop Cardinale, ve 54, Parkaide, LONDON, &-We 19.