| ree | THE ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE NEW YORK 21,NEW YORK September 23, 1960 Dr. J. Lederberg Stanford University Palo Alto, Califomia Dear Joshs I am enclosing herewith a statement in support of the election of Dr. Welch to the Hall of Fame. If you approve, and are willing to endorse this statement, I would appreciate your returning the signed statement to me at your earliest conven idence so that it and the proposed supplementary letter can be duplicated and mailed to the individual Electors as soon as possible. Sincerely, SoG E. L. Tatum ELT sCDV Enclosure Das Y- L cots don't dcaagprnee Bot X dwt fk 9 hane Mire yih trove Ar Hal, ov arm Ailedy fo, to yort A nahart Append 44 pe SEP 2. 1960