November 20, 1958 Dr. Ee. Le. Tatum Rockefeller Institute 66th and York New York 21, Now York Dear Ed; Thank you for your two notes. J am enclosing a :nemorandum concerning avalluble jet schedules out of New York. I think that you will find that the schedule from New York to London does fit a bit better from the point of view of reasonasle connections to Stockholm It seems to me that the speed that the jet offers makes a daytime flight a more reasonable propos {tion than would be the case with earlier aircraft. + have a definite booking on the flight indicated and gather that they are not so crowded as to discourage the possibility of your being able to join the same flight if you care to do so. But I do think it would be advisable for you to get som reservations to protect yourself. You will also have heard from Ciba Housa, which I had occasion to con- tact on unother .zatter. tf you have never stayed there I would ernestly reccommend it to you for the experience itaelf as well as for the assur- ance of excellent accomod:.tions without having to worry about advance reservations in London or the cost. You will have to contact Ur. .iolstenholme directly and 1 hope it wiil not put you out if you decide not to accept. Besta wrote asking about plans for the Nobel lectures. I don't see any probl :m at all here although 4 am, of course, counting on the backe ground tiat you and he will develup as the very basis of the later work Iwill report. JI had in mind a somewhat simplified version, brought up to date, of the review of mechania..1 of recombination that 1 wrote for the Oak Ridge symposium in 1955. It certainly is not the most exciting thing in the world to zo over old material in this fashion, but f hope to be able to find some different slant to it. I should mention that I'm going to make every effort within tiie legal terms of the award to postpone my own present- ation to a later visit to Stuckholm this coming gnring. I don't know how well the authorities there will take to this idea. I've just received, (by surface mail!) a very cursory stateme:.t from the Nobel Foundation about the affairs. But I also saw Enders and vieller at Harvard last week and they gave me somewhat more detailed information about the ceremonios. I rially think the only thing to do is to contact some of tae previous sward winners like Lippmann or Du Vigneaud. 4 have to mention the strong possibility that Ester will not be accom panying me after all. ‘The problems of getting the lab closed up and moving within three weeks after returning from Stockholm are beginning to sound somewhat too formidable, ror the tine being I wouldn't make an issue of this except as between ourselves. I imagine we will all be rather relieved when all the ceremonial is over, Looking forward to seeing you, und to that tine, AS ever,