December 27, 1955 Dear Ed: We hava your letter of the 22d, and of course want to give some more thought to the questions you raise concerning the timing of our visit. I reglizs that more is involved than the mere time you may be away, that you will be inordinately busy in the intervals catching up. Dr. Sabin had warned me of the possibility of the Polio meetiag, but i dust don't know yet whethsr I will be able to go or not, sven if we are still in Madison: I had alrsady accanted an invitation to attend a T2 chemctherapy xeeting at St. Louis (28 9 casual observer), having thought this aight coincide with our driving through there early in February. Sur lab is coming along, how fast is hard to say. It is still possible that the remcdelling will be completed by February 1, though this may be optimistic. While we are thinking about this, may I ask you a question. Have you thought at all of spending a summer at Pacific Grove? Would this be som- thing you and your family care to do? This may ba just a pipe-dream, but this occurred to me as a possible arrangement for our research visit and/or a sali course. Esther tells me that a mesophil like myseif will find Palo Alto hardly less tolerabie than Madison in the gumuer—time. Cn the other hand, I wouldn't know 4f dune and the kids would have to be dragged to or way from PG. It's just an idea, but let ms know if there's any sense to it or not, Do you really think the summer will be open: — if nothing alse there are those meetings at McCollum-Pratt, and at CSH, and I don't know what else. Wisconsin may likely have a symposium on Latent virus infection which I've tacitly promised to attend (but could worm out of). This will be in early September. i've had no formal word on reasearch leave— evidently it as still being discussed whether WARF or the regular college budget will pay for it, but I am told surely one or the other. Just in case, when you answer would you also give me a rundown on your available misroscopic equipment (and phase accessories). If we do still come in the spring, mich will depend on your other business. If baing away so mich means you will also be tied up all the rest of the time too, as it may well, then we'll just have to postpone, so let us know about this. Sincerely,