September 14, 1952 Dear Ed: We got back to Madison yesterday, to find the revised ms. and your mnoesage of September 10. If I may say 89, it locks good, and an authori-~ tutive presentation at thie level has been espesially needed for some time. I am glad to hear of the availability of reprinte. Wenrich's congratulations on having been the first to sutmit a paper leaves me just a little embarrassed. —T had the impression from earlier correspondence that Sept. 1 was to be regarded as a rather firm deadline. I hope the pressure which I needlessly injected was not troublesome to you. If so, I am just as pleased to have been able to get the thing out of the way, and still have ample time now for final revisions. The stated corrections, in response to Wenrich are, generally, valid, and are marked in the acoompanying ma. However, the use of the terms copulation and conjugation on p.6 L. 23 wae quite intentional, within the definitions pointed but by Wenrich and should be xetiustx retained. "Close" and "dietant" are of course contrary descriptions for the relation- ship of E. coli and Salmonella, but I suppose it's a matter of how one looks at it. I don't know how one can very well evaluate such relationships. I was not too clear what you meant in your letter on how to handle corrections,, whether to incorporate yours and mine and send then both on to Wenrich, or whether you had already se.t yours to him. To avoid confusion, I think one ef us (viz. you) should handle all of them, and take final responsibility. It seema simplest to send back an ms. copy with my suggested correations marked in red. The only thing I want to make a point of te p. 7. Hayes' own suggestional 1952a and b. and another paper in prees in JGM) have been much less temperate than the compromise version now written on p.7. I am very doubtful personally what the F story suggests as to the physical mechanism of mating, and would prefer to ascribe Hayee' suggestion more directly to him. If time permits, will you make a final decision on the suggested corrections, and return the checked maz We've had a very satisfactory, if strehuoke vacation trip which took us through most of Eastern Canada, around the Gaspe peninsula, to Nove Scotia and a week's sea-awimming and hill-clinmbing at Bar Harber,Me. Among others we vieited the Lewins at Halifax, where Ralph seems to have a very happy situation at the NRC regional lab. Like many other pesple, we had thought that "Maritime Regional" meant a marine lab., but it doesn't, only the maritime provinces. Baloh was just getting ready to send his me. to Wen- rich, mostly a detailed critique ef Moewus and relative sexuality (‘$). Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg