STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES April 8, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: You probably are aware that the symposium in Boston in which you earlier indicated you would take part is scheduled for the evening of April 30, presumably at 8:00 P.M., and is scheduled to last not much over two hours. In connection with our final arrangements I am planning on being in Boston on the 29th as well as the 30th, and hope that we can get together as a group either on the afternoon of the 29th or the afternoon of the 30th. I would appreciate your letting me know which you would prefer. It still seems feasible to plan this in as informal a manner as possible and I have the assurance of Dr. Delwiche that suitable microphone and pro- jection equipment will be available. Although I feel a final arrangement on time scheduling etc. can well wait until our get together in Boston, I have tentatively gone over the proposed topics and tried to break them down into reasonable time allotments. The outline, which I suggest we try to follow, subject to our later modification, is as follows: 1. Introduction. - Tatum. 10 minutes. No discussion, Total time, 10 minutes, 2. Population variation. - Ryan and Novick. 10 minutes each plus 10 minutes discussion. Total time, 30 minutes. (We might make a break of 5 minutes at this place for stretching.) 3. Individual variation. - 10 minutes introduction. Lederberg or Spiegelman, plus 30 minutes for individual participation and 10 minutes additional discussion. Total time, 50 minutes. This section might include primarily formal description of types of in- heritance which will be further examined as to mechanism of control of phenotype in the next section. 4k, Mechanism of control of phenotype (genic and otherwise). - Bonner. Intro- duction, 15 minutes, plus 20 minutes by Spiegelman and other participants, plus 20 minutes discussion, Total time, 45 minutes. I would appreciate your reactions and comments on these suggestions and allotment of time as well as your desires as to a meeting time in Boston. I'm sending this note to you because I still hope that you will be able to take part in this program. Rumor has it that you may well be in Boston after all? If this is true, and I certainly hope it is, I likewise shall be counting on you for leading the discussion of part 3, which in your absence I am asking Sol to take over. I also hope, if you can undertake this, that you will warn Zinder that he may be called upon for discussion from the floor in relation to transduction. ยข J 6 : GOT Ne EE STANFORD UNIVERSITY Dr. Joshua Lederberg, p. 2 April 8, 1952 As a matter of fact, you might warn him whether or not you are going to be there. You might also ask him to give me a ring in Boston (Hotel Statler). Sincerely yours, on on; - & . a uw (ite E.L. Tatum _ ELT: gz Dictated but not signed by Dr. Tatum