October 3, 1950. Dr. EK, L. tatan, : . a Dept. Biology, | 7 IA O Stanford University, A he California. . 4 Dear Ed: Esther and I are both very sorry that we did not have an opportunity to visit with you again during the sunmer, but our few weeks in Berkeley I proved to be ail too short to do all the things that we had hoped. We j reached Berkeley several days before the beginning of the second summer | | session, which gave us an opportunity to see something of northern Galifor~ nia. e visited Dohzhansky at his sunmer station ab Mather (via a one-way mountain road in and out of Yosemite), and then drove northwards to Lassen Park, which we greatly enjoyed for a couple of days. “e returned to Berkeley via Eureka, the Redwood Highway, and Napa valley. The course itself was moderately successful? at least the stadents refused to believe everything that I tried to tell then. I managed to do a very little research with Stanler on UV effects of adaptation in Pseudomonas. As one night expect UV strongly inhibits adaptation, but not the adapted enzymes. The inhibition can be photo-reversed, which suggests that photoreactivation 4s not the interruption of a process leading to killing, sut an actual reversal of the photoahemically terminal event, There ia not a great deal of difference between these notions, but Novick and “zilard had been thinking more or less in terms of a poison, which could be destroyed by light before it had reacted with the cell constituents. The greatest use of thse findings may be as a better means of distinguishing adaptation thatn by slight differences in the shapes of curves of 0,/time, As I had anticipated, 1t turns out that unadapted cells also co small amounts ( a few %) of the oxidative enzymes usually regarded as adaptive. The main noint of this letter is to ask you about the progress of the organization of the Neurospora map, and to ask whether you would be kind enough to send a few stocks. James Crow and his student, Jean Pierle, have now gone through most of the preliminaries, and would like to start building up multiple marker stocks for crossover studies. From what I knew, I thought that the following markers would be most appropriate (on the sex chromosome): /o/3/xo leuc- 47313 A/a lys or citr (stock #77?) centromere ad-p =. 35203 meth 35809 albino 15300 lys 4545. It will probably take several months at least to build up the stocks, but bg doing them in blocks, and building two stocks in alternation 1t should not be impossible. We would also like to use a centromere marker for another chromosome, as a check on slippage: i.e., an ascus showing apparent second- division segregation for the second centromere marker would be treated with suspicion as a possible slippage of nuclei IT and ITI after meiosis. I don't have enough information to know what best to use, but thought at least to try 51602 (B2-temp). Would ka you send this also, if not suggestions on something better to use? Jim and I will very mich appreciate any help you can give us, and we will certainly keep you informed. The Columbus meetings were interesting, but exhausting. Conspicuously good papers- Stadler, Darlington (the devil itself), and Ephrussi. Beadle gave a rather surprising talk: he discussed the historical origins of the "one-to-one" theory, and referred repeatedly to the one gene-one function € !) hypothesis. Latarjet wrote that he is on the hunt for possible traces in Paris of coli Cl and C2, but refused to offer ang encouragement. ine Sphrussis will be here in a day or two, and I'll ask them as wel] - but they will undoubtedly be heading westward theuaselves. Enough for now—— Sincerely, Joshua ~ederba bg