May 10, 1950. Dr. E. L. Tatum, Dept. Biology, Stanford University, California. Dear Fd: You might be interested in the enclosed article from "Priroda" [Nature], // #8: 71-72 (1948), by D. ¥. Lebedev. The translation is by Bernie Davis. LY The criticism has, perhaps, some justification ~- or would have if our approach were as cne-gided and narrow as his critique. I underatand your are reviewing Bacterial Variation for this year's Aun Rev dicrob. Would it be appropriate to list Lebedev's r=ference? Bernie mentioned writing a letter to Seienee (i.e. that it might be a good idea), but that appears to be straining at 2 gnat. Sincerely, a P.S. How about a word from you re the reprinting project? I enclose a return envelope. - JL