ce | Mare 10, 1948. ee a, Dear Bs LENSES : i enclose a short sheet desecihing some mutants just packed off. I - | bes | meant to include ¥~93 ‘(a u.v. matant of Y-120 requiring as well as valine Les oe my thesis in before Ost. i or thereabouts when ‘the Faculty Conai.ttes met” = that there would be no further bil, registration ete. x asked Mr, Mer, . ee : the bursar had refer to the © dopartaent £ for an | explanation, add returned the dt da an artifact. It was gotten from wics “ele ~ Mal -,Lac~) by inoculating noantning ZI haven't been able to track down yet) but until it is characterized ee it can t be very much use anyhow: a te ee a What is really troubling ms is a bill Just received from the Yale Bursar be for $125 labelled "Tuition, Spring T." I understood that as "long as I had : oe - Back to the mutants. W327 isa corker, den't 1t7! Vea fOlue. 1 I've checked oe several tines, and the tests are done on comptate medium so I doubt if “e into mal tose-synthetic medium, Most of the phenotypic reversions awe ‘Lae 37 . and complete reverse mutations, but this one carries a suppressor mutatdon (Lac, ~ Slo/) so that when crossed with wild type (Lac,/S1>~) it throws off Mal- recombinants. (Lac3-Sl>~). I supppse that the new system developed is phosphorylative, but haven't *hought yot how to Bs about proving same. ae e a nee “ecards, , , aS ' . “stncereay,