Beet te | 5 . - | . cy Penruary 13, 1947, I cfossed Y-41 §38-189-1 1) with the foltoring and - recovered no prototrophs: a | wo a wiles 58 32k, 6177, 3232, 6049, 6317, 5450, 5255, which, since these stocks oo ; reconbined with 679-662 to give prototrophs, suggests that they are all | _Fecurrences of omtations at the same locus. I have similar syntrophiam data. | - ‘This 4s about the only series of tests that were made. I did not do many - ao “et the ethionine series, and none of the other requirements recurred to any | / ‘extent. 1 don't think any of the other work was done completely enough to ~ a “be | woth tabulating or referring to, anes you have _sonething specific An mind,” aaa Ee sae = He IL ‘talk to you ‘about at next month, of. course you ‘ean refer ‘to Hs as mL ate unpab, ‘sg you like, since it was done at OBL... | AS . | “Please send ons cop. of the thesis presto. I have to study tt, you kaon, mS e oe pee regards, . at fo. P.S. Tell Dave Sbocds that Barbara Wright w was asking g/ bout hin, _ PSII I have som B.- a ‘thiazole ada pyrimidine, which, as T recall you were out ” of. Taterested?