.. ponderance of evidence for coli seems to be that there is a simple ; Dec. 10, 1947. Dear Ed- _ The genetic aspects of the carbohrdrase mutation program concerning . . which I have written. hefore have come to a head and have to wait now . for the chemistry to catch up.It may be a long wait, Firstly to mall _ . over the possible approaches, and secondly because J an not to. well equinpved as yet (e.g. Warburgs). ae The genetical fact is that Y-53 and W-45 which are both Lactose-_ - nerative, the one in T-IeR,- stock, the other in B-N-, recombine to _ give a fairly large proportion (20-30%) lactose-positive prototrophs. The obvious loopholes have been checked, and the experiments repeated, so that in my mind there is little doubt that mutation at either one _of two loci yields the lactose-negative phenotype. The finally tack in the céffin, demonstrating the recovery of the double-Léece mutant is being sought now. The locus of Lac, is as shown on the published. map. Lao, is between BM and Lac,, ohly a few units from BM. The smoke about phenyl galactoside utilizkt tion is due to there being two Lac — loci, and hasn't been entirely cleared up , but seems to be controlled. by only one of these loci: The chemiaal problem is: how many enzymes can there be in bringing Lactose into the ooimmon pathway of carbohydrate metabolism. The pre- - lactase which hvdrolyses lactose. Even if the pathway were phosphoro lygtic, there need be but a single step. But most important,how to > prove whther there is one or more than one ensyise involved. The rub. is that laoto-zymase is adaptive, so that any enzymatic | ‘block along ... the way, by preventing the utilization of the carbohydrate, could pre- vent the formation of all the other enzymes. For this reason, mixed- juice or mixed resting cells might be inconclusive, but they haven't teen done vet. If you have any ideas on the subject, let me know. -__ Another thing that has to be done is to straighten out the phenyl- galactoside story, there might he a lead there. Starting with a successful accident, I am Leaving. minerals out of the mininal medium now. If anything they grow better than with them in. I got no response of Y-132 to glycine + arginine. Rakkxiks The glzeine tube fanally adapted, but this is not a growth response. Ttll run it dovn again along with a batch of Y-120 doubles I've been picking wp. . : Please keep the lactose story entre-nous, or at lcast within OBL for a while.It'ts too early to be sounding taps to the 1:1 theory. ‘Sincerely,