oe ae Bae ee OMe + ts Jos ge Ry .. Dear Bat oe ae, a i cs Os oes ae A ‘thousand apologies for my mesay correspondence, wy only _onty extenuating oiroumstance is. that X have no office nti - Latter is pained, and my papers have to be strewn about. For as example, 1 forgot to enclose some stamps which should go to 8 , Betty ae an ay Letter. yeaterday. bo at _sarte Masks are obtainable from ‘Thermal Syndicate most oe we = thom ang Prosptly.. Their offices axe in. ByTe ree —prtoes 50 “that no ) Longer ene ) - 7 o- RaP sink has ‘become interested in the ‘problen of the splitting : ert the specificities of oolt sarbohyarases by mutation ‘and | recom o ‘vination, ‘and we hope to have ‘a graduate student work on the ‘eyn- thesis of artifiotal disaccharides for this purpose. I an going to. try. to give ‘the Lei ‘theory a oritical test in this group of gene fs controlled enzymes, partioulardy ' the. _drgalactosidases exemplified - by. lectases Bede (ope al whe ed. oe ae As mentioned derores By reprint supply is getting very lowe Would. 1 de ‘oonvenient for you (or B, 2, -) to respond to eny further reprint 2 requests from OBL directly | rather ‘than send me ‘the cards? Perhaps: the enclosed stickers could be used to oubgest ny ‘new. address . _ ors = ‘Bost regards; § and apologies ‘again, |