a) eo) YALE UNIVERSITY OSBORN BOTANICAL LABORATORY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT October 15, 1946 Dr. G. W. Beadle California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California . Dear Beets: Thanks very much for your recent letters. The possibility of attending the Microbiology Congress is very exciting and I hope that it will be possible. Of course to a large extent it will depend on whether or not travelling expenses can be provided for here. I am looking into this and will write Dr. Wingewithin a very few days. By the way, are you planning to attend the Congress? 'I have an apology to make regarding some cultures which were sent some time ago and regarding which David recent ly wrote you. It appears that these were submerged in our cold room and did not reappear until our toominfrequent clean-up took place, All of the cultures seem to be here so it will not be necessary to send duplicates. . Finally, thank you very much for your previous note regarding bacterial genetics. It is, we feel, a very exciting field and we will keep you in touch with progress, Dr. Van Niel has a preliminary copy of a proposed paper. Perhaps you could get it from him and take a look at it, We would appreciate your comments and criticisms, With best regards to everyone, Sincerely, . AO wf ‘ f Col E. L. Tatum an Professor of Microbiology elt/ez